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Your dream wedding in fairytale Piedmont

Enjoy the BIG DAY together with your loved ones without any worries and to the fullest - that's how it should be! This also means that the preparations go ahead in a relaxed manner and the joy of the celebration of love grows from day to day. There will always be moments and decisions to be made that will move you emotionally and it is my job to guide you towards them objectively and clearly.


Apart from the fact that I have already organized several weddings in Switzerland and Piedmont has now become my second home, and that I have been able to get to know fantastic places, hand-picked osterias, winemakers and many great people and their families through the various tailor-made gourmet trips, the biggest and initial trigger is probably a very personal reason.


I was very young, in love, engaged and then married. Now you might assume that I experienced and enjoyed this ONE DAY exactly as I had imagined in my dreams. Unfortunately not, my wedding day was in many respects anything but my MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY.


Because of this key experience and the fact that enjoyment, experience, finding hidden "jewels", lasting joys and emotions are the most important companions in my life, I would like to help all couples who choose Piedmont as their wedding destination to have their absolute dream wedding.


Die Möglichkeiten sind so vielfältig wie die Träume der Hochzeitspaare und entsprechend sind auch meine Angebote individuell und massgeschneidert.  Als erfahrene und leidenschaftliche Eventplanerin sorge ich dafür, dass Sie und Ihre Gäste diesen SCHÖNSTEN TAG im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes erleben.


Oft werde ich beim ersten Gespräch nach den Grobkosten gefragt. Gerne würde ich diese Frage beantworten, allerdings ist es weder seriös noch möglich – auf Zuruf – eine Kostenschätzung abzugeben. Die Wünsche, die Bedürfnisse, die Vorstellungen, der Stil, die Wahl der Location, die Anzahl Gäste, die Vorstellung der symbolischen Zeremonie, der Trauernder, die Ausrichtung der Dekoration, die Aufenthaltsdauer und ob und welche Hotelkosten vom Brautpaar übernommen werden sind nur einige der Themen, welche besprochen und vom Brautpaar entschieden werden müssen. Weitere Fragen stellen sich beim Fotografen, der Musik (Live Band, DJ) und vielem mehr, wie z.B. der Abend vor dem grossen Tag etc. … Ihr seht die Liste ist lang und hier auch nicht abschliessend.


Der erste Schritt – ein kostenloses Gespräch per Telefon

Nach einem kostenlosen Beratungsgespräch, bei welchem Ihre Vorstellungen, Wünsche und Bedürfnisse angesprochen und aufgegriffen werden, lasse ich meinen Gedanken oft freien Lauf und gebe bereits einige Möglichkeiten und Ideen mit auf den Weg. Ist das Piemont noch immer Ihre Traumdestination und haben Sie ein gutes erstes Gefühl? Dann lassen Sie uns ein Treffen vereinbaren.


Das erste Treffen – Investition CHF 320.– (Erfahrungsgemäss 3 - 4 Std.)

Ein persönliches Kennenlernen ist essenziell. Beim Planen und Organisieren von Ihrer Hochzeit geht es nicht ausschliesslich und nur darum, dass man ein Organisationstalent ist. Es ist fundamental, dass Sie mich sympathisch finden und die Chemie zwischen uns stimmt. Nur so können wir gemeinsam in Ihre ganz persönliche "Hochzeits-Vorbereitungs-Reise" starten. Erfahrungsgemäss dauert ein erstes Treffen zwischen 3 und 4 Stunden. Wir plaudern, lerne uns kennen und wir geben so einiges voneinander preis. Selbstverständlich gehen wir gemeinsam eine grobe Planung durch damit Sie sich ein besseres und umfangreiches Bild verschaffen können. Nach unserem Treffen können Sie frei entscheiden ob ich Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihrem Traumtag begleiten darf.


Starten wir gemeinsam in das Abenteuer Hochzeitsfest, dann wird dieser Betrag selbstverständlich angerechnet und ist Bestandteil der Planung und Organisation. Andernfalls haben Sie viel Know-how mit auf den Weg bekommen und ich erlaube mir, Ihnen die CHF 320.– in Rechnung zu stellen.


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Wedding planning, organisation and on-site support

This offer includes:


  • Planning and organization

  • A preliminary initial assessment on site (3 days/2 nights)

  • A sightseeing tour with the bride and groom on site
    (3 days / 2 nights)

  • Support from wedding planners on site before the wedding, for coordination with service providers, going through the various processes with the couple and witnesses and much more

  • Support from wedding planners on the wedding day

  • On-site support for guests

  • Ensuring timelines

  • Expenses & expenses wedding planner


Not included:


  • Overnight stays before the celebrations with Maya Marsilio and assistance at the wedding location. For organizational reasons, these overnight stays extend over 4 nights (3 before the wedding and 1 during the celebrations).


10 - 60 guests: CHF 5'900"

60 - 80 guests: CHF 8'800 "

80 - 100 guests: CHF On request


The additional costs for 60 guests or more arise from the increased effort involved in finding a suitable location and the additional work involved in terms of timing, logistics, adjustments and on-site support.

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Planung und Organisation eines

Meet & Greet am Vortrag 

This offer includes:


  • 1 - 2 suggestions for a location for the Meet & Greet

  • Ideas and suggestions for the Meet & Greet
    the day before or the evening before

  • 2 proposals, discussion & coordination with the bride and groom
    (by email or phone)

  • Coordination and integration into registration process

  • Organisation, reservation & planning of the Meet & Greet

  • Involvement in wedding planning and process


Without on-site support:


  • I organize and plan everything for the meet & greet the day before, but I will not be present.


Up to 100 guests: CHF 790


With on-site support:


  • I organize and plan the meet & greet and look after you and your guests at this event. I make sure that everything runs smoothly on site and that you can enjoy the evening free of stress and worries.


Up to 100 guests: CHF 990

*My fee is charged in CHF. Most of the investigations take place in Piedmont and generate expenses abroad, so all expenses not included in the offer are charged in euros. Services beyond the offer are billed at CHF 120.00/hour based on the time involved.


Exclusive wedding experience guaranteed

Every wedding celebration should be an unforgettable experience for the couple and their guests. This requires a thorough examination of the initial ideas and needs of the bride and groom as well as their vision in order to develop an individual concept. For this reason, I limit myself to organizing a maximum of two weddings per year. By focusing on quality rather than quantity, I ensure that the celebrations are unique and tailor-made.


Costs in Piedmont


In contrast to a wedding in Switzerland, the celebrations in Piedmont usually last two to three days. The beautiful surroundings can be explored together or individually before the actual wedding. Guests who may not yet know each other well can make new acquaintances and enjoy a "meet and greet" together the evening before. As a couple, you spend significantly more time with your guests and can enjoy unique quality time with your loved ones. Experience has shown that this time together inspires the whole group, so that the positive energy can be felt on the big day.


Piedmont is considered the richest region in Italy and stretches from Lake Maggiore with the fashionable Stresa to Lake Orta, as well as to the world-famous wine regions of Barbaresco and Barolo, to the borders of Liguria and Tuscany. Each of these picturesque places offers first-class locations and outstanding gastronomy, but they are not comparable in price to the much cheaper south of the country. Therefore, the extraordinary experience of a wedding celebration in picturesque surroundings with an individual focus will certainly be reflected in the budget - this must be understood, but it is definitely worth it. In addition, the journey is much shorter for everyone involved and can easily be managed by car or train.


Extension of stay

Both wedding couples and guests have the opportunity to enjoy additional activities before or after the celebrations. I am happy to offer individual arrangements for this. Exploring the picturesque vineyards, culinary discoveries or historical sights are just as much a choice as a Vespa, APE or vintage car tour. Check out the numerous different options here. I will be happy to advise you on planning and would like to point out that reservations are usually required. These additional services will be invoiced separately.


Honeymoon in Piedmont

After your dream wedding, would you like to get to know Piedmont even better and discover other hidden gems of this fantastic region as a newlywed couple? I would be happy to put together a tailor-made honeymoon in Piedmont for you, which you could - like other couples have done - have your guests give you as a gift. These additional services are billed separately.


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